Impact Play: Hit Me Baby, One More Time

Impact Play: Hit Me Baby, One More Time

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You’ve probably heard the jokes about using whips and cuffs in the bedroom or seen the goofy sitcom clips of this. You might not know that using a whip during intercourse is just one instance of Impact Play. 

Impact Play - This is a consensual sexual practice in which a person (a bottom) receives an impact, or strike, from another person (a top) for gratification or arousal. 

While Impact Play can be inherently sexual and is used in the bedroom, it can also be non-sexual, like for stress release. When combined with pleasurable sensations, both parties can experience heightened arousal and even climaxes. 

One of the fun things about Impact Play is the plethora of tools and sensations you can experiment with. In its basic forms, there are two types of impact: 

  • Thud
  • Sting

Typically, the larger the surface area struck, the thuddier the feel. This can change with each tool and how it’s used. In fact, many adult toys are designed with multiple uses in mind. Some toys to try: 

So where is it safe to strike? It is generally safe on the: 

  • Butt
  • Thighs 
  • Forearms 

Proceed with caution: 

  • Genitals 
  • Inner thighs
  • Upper arms 
  • Calves

Places to avoid: 

  • Major organs 
  • Ears 
  • Feet 
  • Spine 
  • Head 
Safe Places to Hit for Impact Play


Safety isn’t just saved for the anatomy. To start, if it’s not obvious, always make sure you trust your partner when engaging in Impact Play. It’s also best to discuss it in advance. Most people won’t take kindly to a surprise whip mid-intercourse. Additionally, when exploring new tools or toys, it’s important the Top tries it on themself prior to using it on the Bottom to understand what sensation they are causing. Further practice can be done on a pillow as well. 

Always utilize safe words and/or cues when engaging in Impact Play. A safe word is a unique word chosen to indicate you have been pushed beyond your comfort zone/threshold. This can be used by anyone engaging in the play, Top or Bottom. What happened to good ol’ stop? Well during certain scenes, stop might not mean halt, such as a kidnapping fantasy. A safe word allows you to talk about the scene beforehand and designate X word will mean all play ceases. Some kinksters choose to use something called the Stoplight System where red means stop, yellow means slow down/check-in, green is good to go. It can also be good to determine a safety cue in case either party is unable to verbally communicate. This can be repeated thigh taps or clapping your hands, etc. 

That’s a lot of safety protocol right? Well we want you to be safe and able to enjoy your play. If you are curious about something, you can always research it or reach out here for guidance. 

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