BDSM Safety Approaches
While pop-culture has done a great job at introducing BDSM into our everyday lives, mainstream media tends to leave out the importance of safety when engaging in BDSM play. There are a few approaches to BDSM specific safety and you may find that some BDSM groups choose to adhere to one or two of these. But here are a few of the most common acronyms you’ll come across when discussing BDSM safety.
- Committed to the dynamic at hand.
- Everyone holds compassion for each other.
- Everything that occurs is consensual.
- This is typically used in TPE (Total Power Exchange) dynamics, like Master/Slave, to ensure all participants have each others best interests in mind.
- This approach focuses on caring and communication between all parties. This establishes trust and intimacy through defining and sharing each person’s sexual values.
- As always, every action should have been consented to. However, there are three levels of consent in this approach.
- 1. Surface level, yes means yes, no means no
- 2. Scene consent, discuss and negotiate the scene in detail (consent can be withdrawn mid-scene)
- 3. Deep Consent, being able to understand when your partner is unable to use their safe word
- Proceed with caution, especially with more serious play like impact. This is also where people should acknowledge the uniqueness of each partner and how their needs differ from past experiences.
- Personal Risk/Responsibility (depends on who you ask) is making sure that all participants take personal responsibility/are aware of any risk in the activities they choose to partake in.
- Informed Consensual Kink addresses making sure everyone is informed of the kink you are about to participate in and agree to said participation.
- The first two actually belong together; it means each person is aware of the level of risk the activities present to themselves and each other. This goes for everything from verbal humiliation to more intense play.
- Without consent being included in any of these philosophies, any behavior crosses into abuse.
- This means taking the necessary steps to prevent unwanted injury or disease transmissions.
- Every participant needs to be capable of utilizing self-control, good judgment, and consent.
- Speaking of consent, it is once again the foundation of any BDSM practice.
No matter which philosophy you choose, it is important you play along the lines of an approach and make sure that any partner you intend to play with also follows the same or another philosophy.